Now offering AdlenseFocuss- Variable Power Optics
Check out these new unique and innovative glasses!
by Bob Smith, Optical Manager, Coolidge Rd. office
The human eye consists of a static lens and a dynamic lens. The muscles in the eye cause the dynamic lens to expand, adjusting the focus of your vision. As we age, these muscles harden, and by the age of 45 your eyes have difficulty focusing on their own. The eye that was once adjustable no longer has that ability.
Variable Power Optics (VPO) is a unique technology that mimics the eye’s natural dynamic behavior. Used in the custom AdlensFocuss glasses, VPO applies your distance prescription to a flexible lens. The lens, when adjusted by turning a small dial hidden within the frame, seamlessly switches between your reading, mid-range and distance prescriptions, providing full lens clarity at any distance. The real beauty is that unlike progressives, you get virtually the whole lens in focus. For example, looking at a computer monitor it can be difficult to find the sweet spot in the center of the lens. With AdlensFocuss, you can adjust your glasses at the turn of a dial, opening the whole lens without distorting the object. So, imagine a lens that could provide focus and clarity at any distance from near too far with virtually the whole lens in focus.
Lansing Ophthalmology is one of three eye care professionals in Michigan to carry the AdlensFocuss. Right now the Variable Power Optics are available at the Coolidge Road Office located at 2001 Coolidge Rd. in East Lansing. Stop by and I can show you the power of these unique glasses.