FDA Warns Consumers on Harmful ‘Botox’ Reactions
At L.O. Eye Care, our staff and providers deeply prioritize the wellbeing of our patients.
The FDA has recently issued a warning about counterfeit botulinum toxin (Botox), where patients have experienced harmful reactions from injections administered by unlicensed or untrained individuals in non-healthcare settings, and in most cases because they're being purchased through unlicensed sources.
These harmful symptoms can include:
- Blurry vision or double vision
- Drooping eyelids
- Difficulty swallowing
- Dry mouth
- Slurred speech
- Difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Generalized weakness
If you are considering botulinum toxin injections, commonly used for cosmetic reasons, please inquire with your provider about their licensure and training to administer the injection. Also, ensure that the product is FDA-approved and sourced from a licensed supplier (e.g., Allergan).
At L.O. Eye Care, we proudly offer our patients FDA-approved botulinum toxin from a reputable supplier. Dr. Lewis, a board-certified Oculoplastic Surgeon, is available to provide these services for you.
Please prioritize your safety and wellbeing when considering cosmetic procedures.
~ L.O. Eye Care Team
For more information, please visit: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/counterfeit-version-botox-found-multiple-states